About Us
We provide business-grade dedicated servers at a low cost. We want to be transparent and as open as possible about who we are and what we do. We want to earn your business and trust and, we strive for long term business relationships. If you have any questions about our organization, please feel free to reach out and we will be happy to answer your questions.
About Us
About ServerDime
We have extensive experience in hosting and know the industry well.
Offering Hosting Since 2012
We started HostRush which is a web hosting company at the end of 2012. As HostRush expanded, we started offering dedicated servers from HostRush.
ServerDime Offers Only Dedicated
We launched ServerDime in 2019 to focus entirely on dedicated servers.
Fully Owned Infrastructure
We own all of the dedicated servers which we offer along with networking equipment and most IPv4 addresses. Our servers are located in Dallas, Texas.
About Us
How we evolved over time
You will find below the events in chronological order of how we got to where we are at.
March, 2019 - ServerDime is launched
While under the same entity, we introduce the ServerDime brand to focus on our dedicated server offerings.
Feb, 2019 - We Received IP Addresses from ARIN
We were allocated our own subnet from ARIN. After being on ARIN’s waitlist for quite some time, we were allocated a /21 IPv4 which is 2048 IP addresses. While IPv6 being in abundance, ISPs like us which serve a global clientelle rely on IPv4 because we have to serve clients in areas where IPv6 is not yet adopted.
Sept, 2017 - Dedicated Servers are here
We are now also offering dedicated servers.
Jan, 2016 - Moved into datacenter
We outgrew the dedicated servers we were using and moved into colo’d datacenter space
Oct, 2012 - HostRush was started
Adnan Faridi started parent web hosting company HostRush from his apartment in Lackawanna, NY.